Amruthlalji High School, a Kannada Medium school, started in the year 1972 in a remote village named Kelarai in the outskirts of Mangalore City of D. K. District. The inspiration of Rev. Fr. J. B. Alvares bore fruit through the cooperation of the Ursuline Franciscan Sisters as they willingly took up the responsibility on their shoulder to educate the poor children of the village.
Through their dedicated service of the staff the school gained confidence of the common people of the village as it completes 45 years of its existence. Number of students who have studied here are in very good position in society. Having the motto “Through knowledge to God” the school strives hard to motivate the students to be good spiritual beings, intellectually excelling, emotionally strong and mature in behaviour. Through the intercessions of St. Joachim, the Patron saint of the school the school has gained strength to withstand all odds and remained steadfast even when there is a decline in students strength. It looks forward with hope to cater to many more students as it steps forward towards its Golden Jubilee of its Establishment.