Shikshak Nidhi is a fund created to reach out to the needy staff of the schools under the Ursuline Franciscan Educational Society®
On October 11, 2014 the Ursuline Franciscan Educational Society® gracefully celebrated the Golden Jubilee of its existence. Among the highlights of the celebration was the inauguration of ‘Shikshak Nidhi’ project. Mr. Edmund Frank, Dean PGDBM, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore handed over Rs 5 lakh to the President of Ursuline Franciscan Educational Society® and became a leading light to this fund.
The Ursuline Franciscan Educational Society is an off shoot of Ursuline Franciscan Congregation, the more than 130 years old pioneer indigenous Order of women religious born in Mangalore at Rosario Cathedral Church in 1887. The foundation of the congregation is the brain child of a German Jesuit, Fr. Urbun Stein. who was the first Parish Priest of Rosario Church.
In 1964 Ursuline Franciscan Educational Society® was registered with the Karnataka Government and annually the renewal of registration is done. The Superior General of the Congregation is the President of this Society. The Governing Body of the Society administrates all schools and Colleges, Vocational centers, Special Schools and the orphanages under it which are in different parts of India and even in Africa. Presently 35,000 students are receiving education through these schools and in the last 50 years not less than 2, 00,000 students have passed through the portals of the institutions under this society.
A deep need to support and encourage the teachers who are the backbone of our educational institution was seen and the management has come forward to become the bridge between the donors and the beneficiaries.
In the year 2015, 2016 and 2017 financial assistance is given to the teachers in need such as further studies, Construction and repair of their houses and for medical treatment. The target amount of this fund is Rs 50 lakhs. This appeal comes to you with a humble request to strengthen this fund so as to enable us to reach out to the needy staff of our school as they are the one who form and educate the young ones. The cheque /DD may be payable to: The Ursuline Franciscan Educational Society.
Whatever the good that is done will not go unrewarded. God bless the generous giver. May you be rewarded hundredfold.