The Ursuline Franciscan Educational Society is the registered body of the Ursuline Franciscan Congregation established to start, administer and maintain the educational institutions. The history of the Ursuline Franciscan Congregation proclaims that its concept lies in an association known as the Company of St Ursula, pioneered by twelve young women of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Cathedral Parish at Bolar, Mangalore in 1887. Nympha Fernandez, who later became the superior of the nascent company, was their leader.

“I came that they have life, and have it abundantly”. John 10:10
Inspired by the teachings of Jesus and our Patrons St Angela Merici and St Francis
of Assisi, our Founder Fr Urban Stein and pioneers, we the Ursuline Franciscan
Sisters, aim at the integral development of each student of our formal and non
formal educational institutions where our Sisters serve so that the students bring
about the dimension of social justice in the social, political and cultural fabric
of society.
To foster integral development we will:
- Enable every person to be emotionally balanced, intellectually alert, morally sound, spiritually oriented, socially committed and culturally enriched
- Promote faith formation to achieve personal relationship with God and integrate faith with life
- Promote inter-religious relationship by appreciating religio-cultural pluralism so as to realize that differences are sources for our collective strength rather than dangers and threats
- Enhance human dignity by educating the poorest sections of society viz; marginalized, underprivileged and girl children
- Foster love for nature through appreciation, conservation and development of natural resources to counteract adverse effects of globalization
- Foster patriotism by creating civic consciousness in order to be responsible citizens of our nation
- Transmit Ursuline Franciscan identity through simplicity of life, sincerity, dignity of services that enhance labour and sharing in solidarity.
The deepest values and meaning by which people live is called spirituality. It envisions an inner path enabling a person to confer the essence of his/her life. Spirituality is a certain way of being. It involves a search for meaning in life. It is universal human experience that touches all. Personal well-being – moral, psychological, spiritual and physical is an important aspect of modern spirituality which develops inner peace and forms a foundation for happiness.