Koppa is famous as ‘Kashmir of Karnataka’and is also well-known for areca nut, coffee and tea estates. The famed Sringeri Matt is in the north and the Bhadra reservoir is in the east of Koppa. Once upon a time known as a breeding place for malaria, any posting here of Government officials was considered a punishment. ‘Thappu madidavanige Koppa’ was the common saying among them. Coffee estates covered thousands of acres of land around Koppa and so were the laborers scattered with minimum transportation and communication facilities. The children of the labor class could not think in terms of getting enrolled in a good school.
The steps of the pioneers were small but heroic. Despite the impediments like lack of a school building and trained personnel the Sisters upgraded the primary education level to high school level in 1965. Initially Sr Alphonsa Fernandes and Miss Cynthia Fernandes shouldered the responsibility of the high school section. They obtained due permission from the Education Department (18.09.1965). Sr Patricia Tauro, youthful and energetic took the reins of the nascent School in 1966. Classes were held on the first floor of the primary school building. This adjustment of space went on until a new structure was put up in 1991 and high school students were shifted to the new high school block. Sr Gertrude D’Sa, the headmistress of the High School could be well acknowledged as the architect of the School’s progress.
From the time of its inception the School is blessed with good leadership. SrAlphonsa (1965 June-Aug), Miss Cynthia Fernandes (1965 Sep-66 May), Sr Patricia Tauro (1966-69; 1974-81), Sr Gertrude D’Sa (1969-74; 86-91), Sr Letitia Fernandes (1991-95), SrNonnita Pinto (1981-86; 1995-2002), Sr Therese D’Souza ( 2002-2011) and presently Sr Annie CJ have made a difference in the life of the School.
The Golden Jubilee of the establishment of the school was year celebrated on 4th December 2015 in a befitting manner. In memory of the Golden Jubilee second floor was built and blessed on 9th June 2014. 3,369 Students have successfully completed their studies and passed from this School. Be it fine arts or sports the students have always excelled, the reason being a troop of focused and caring teachers. The institution remains indebted to the past and present staff for their dedicated and unassuming service.