Dubasiplaya is a sub-locality of Kengeri Satellite town at a distance of 17 kilometres from Bangalore City on the Bangalore – Mysore State Highway. The name Kengeri comes from the words tengu coconut and Keri meaning place. The place is still surrounded by coconut farms. In the past it was ruled by a number of dynasties including the Gangas followed by the Cholas. During Tippu’s reign Kengeri was a famous centre for sericultural industries. A memorial building had been built at the premises of the KengeriGurukulaVidyaPeetha to commemorate the visits of Gandhiji. Now Kengeri is part of Brahat Bangalore Corporation. It has an average literacy rate of 75% which is higher than the national average of 59.5%. Gnanabodhini Institutions are located at Dubasipalya near Kengeri.
Fr. Pacificus Menezes OFM Cap the man behind the historical event of Ursuline Congregation’s affiliation to Capuchin Order had started a monastery at Kengeri. It was his desire that the Ursuline Franciscan Sisters establish their convent close to the monastery. Mother Genevieve Castelino accepted the invitation promptly by sending Sisters Ephiphania Fernandes, Apoline Pinto and Marie Correa.
Initially Sisters stayed in a rented house at Kengeri and identified themselves among the people of the locality in every way possible. Eventually they started the nursery and Class I on the corridor of the Capuchin Friary. Sr. Apoline Pinto took charge of the school. Sr. Philomena D’Souza shouldered the responsibility next and continued the spadework started by Sr. Apoline as she died at a young age of 46 due to kidney failure.
Fr. Eugene OFM Cap helped the Sisters to buy a plot of land at Dubasipalya with a view to construct the school as well as a convent building. The foundation for the school building was laid on May 28, 1967. Sr. Severine Barrows with her arrival on June 3, 1969 as headmistress of Gnanabodhini School took the responsibility to construct the school building.
The roll of honor of Gnanabodhini would read thus: Sr Apoline Pinto ( 1966), Sr Philomena D’Souza (1966-67), Sr Severine Barrows (1967-74), Sr Innocence D’Souza (1974-75), Sr Doreen D’Souza (1975-78), Sr Eva Pinto (1978-81), Sr Sheela Mendonca (1981-83), Sr Daisy Crasta (1983-84), Sr Lucy Lilly Pinto (1984-92), Sr. Assisia Crasta (1992-95), Sr Carmella D’ Souza (1995-2004) and Sr. Monthi Lobo (2004-2013) Sr. Veera D’Souza ( 2013-2017) all of them leaders with a difference. They were passionate enough from the start. Each of them in her own way worked very hard and Gnanabodhini stood tall in the whole of Bangalore South for its qualitative education.